Mad Fish

Mad Fish
On delivery from Scotland

Thursday, 25 October 2012

La Palma - Swimming Pool

These pictures are taken in the swimming pools built into the rocks and cliffs at the north east tip of the island. It was not a windy day but the swell was awesome. We went here after our long walk and had not taken our swim things, it was so warm and quiet theat we made do with what clothes we had. Oliver has begged me not to put him wearing his pants, but it is all part of the experience., i was wearing mine too. It serves him right too, as we told him to take pair of shorts to change into after the walk and he ignored us. Ethan is wearing his shorts. Russell felt his pants were unsuitable and wore his quick drying shorts. He got out so he could dry off and put on his T shirt to go for a walk around the pool. He came back sopping wet as a wave had hit the rocks and promptly dumped itself on him.

The boys liked standing at the edge of the pool looking out to sea. They would wait for the next big wave and decide to get covered by it or run away. Some of these pictures are amazing, and i couldn;t choose which ones to post, so apologies there are a few more than normal on the same subject.

The boys did have their mask and snorkels in the car and enjoyed looking at the fish they were swimming with. I tried to take some pictures of the fish but they do not really do it justice.








La Palma - Photos

Ethans newspaper. Todays school.

That will be a big ferry just arrived then.

Boys in a lava field on way to a beach for lunch.
Bananas grow everywhere.

The roads twist up the hills.
So Strong! or could it be that the air trapped in lava rocks makes them rather light...

Black sand beach.
Can you spot the lizard above? - the one below is easier.

 View at the top of our walk. Took 1.5 hours to walk up 1.8km. The same to get down the steep way down. Our legs and bums really knew about it the next day.

Mount Teidi on Teneriffe looks like it is floating on the clouds.
We know what your doing.

Steep slope back down.

Pretty flowers grow on the rocks.

La Palma by Ethan


We have been in a volcano crater, it was very scary because one side of you there was a 2486 ft drop or a huge  500 ft  drop into a crater.
We have collected pieces of lava.

The first volcano we looked at was one that erupted  in 1677.
There was a small pathway with two sudden drops .It  was very scary. At first i didn’t want to go up there , but then I got brave and held daddy’s hand . we pretended to push daddy in the crater but mummy didn’t think it was very funny! 

There were now trees growing at the bottom of the crater.

The second one we went to had the youngest rock I had ever touched. The volcano last erupted in 1971.  You would think lava would just come out the crater but there are two small craters  in the side. These volcanos are in  la palma.

 That is where we are now. There are a few pictures of us inside one of the 1971 craters. We picked up and held a rock. It was not as heavy as it looked, because air gets trapped in it when it gets burst out as lava and when it cools it becomes a rock.   One of the volcanos on la palma has the  widest crater or caldera in the world . We have not been to that one  yet but I think we are going to go to it. We have only been to 3 volcanic islands so far, that is madeira 250 miles away. That is where we were last and porto santo 280 miles away.  That is where we were before we went to madeira. The place before porto santo was  oerios  it was 507 miles away from porto santo. We have met some other english friends they are in furtuventura   they are doing the arc aswell.
   We went to some swimming pools. These were outdoor pools. There were realy big waves . There are some pictures of us there. 
This is a picture of us when there is a big wave coming. I am trying to punch it and Oli is scared and saying theres a big wave.

La Palma Volcano by Oli

La Palma volcano

Yesterday we went to some volcanoes. We found a volcano visitor centre.
We watched a short dvd then went on to the museum. It showed the history of all the eruptions.

Then we went up the volcano which was massive. It last erupted in 1677. My brother was scared but I wasn’t, so I just took in the nice view from 500m up. At one point I was on a narrow 30cm wide path with no hand rails. The view was spectacular.

After this narrow path I just sat on the edge of the volcano where behind was a steep hill almost straight down to the bottom of the volcano. The volcano didn’t have a laver lake, just ferns which are the first thing to grow after an eruption. They like the soil which is one of the best in the world. When we walked back we saw some camels but didn’t ride them.

Then it was back to the hire car and we drove to the 1971 volcano (Teneguia) which we could see from the top of the first volcano.

When we arrived we walked up to the volcano past a vent (which is like a mini volcano this erupted at the same time.) We found interesting rocks on the way; we looked at where the laver would have run back in 1971. Then we walked back but stopped on the way at the vent. We stood in the middle of the vent where laver had been spurting out. It was cool! Then we walked around the crater, then a trudge back the hire car. 

I think this looks like a T rex.

The rocks are quite light because they have lots of air bubbles in them. They are quite sharp, so difficult to lift.