Mad Fish

Mad Fish
On delivery from Scotland

Sunday, 8 June 2014

AZORES - Ponta Delgarda - 5th June... 7th June 2013

AZORES - Ponta Del Garda - 5th June... 7th June 2013

Ponta Del Garda in Sao Miguel is a big marina. This is the biggest Island and the boys had been promised McDonalds. This seemed to be at a drive in, so we settled for Burger King which was in the marina. This was helping to ease the hangover and sleep deprivation I was still suffering from.
The boys enjoyed playing in the park and also the €1 ice creams. They started with a double cone at €1.50 but it was decided that these were too large and caused ice cream head. They also enjoyed the diving boards at the outdoor saltwater pool. I enjoyed the price at €2.50 for adults and €1 for kids. Nobody enjoyed how cold the water was.
ARC arranged a night of bowling and also another coach tour which took us to a pineapple plantation and also to the blue and green lake in the cete de cidal. The lakes are joined, but half appears blue and the other green.

The Azorean pineapple is small and has a very small crown of leaves. They are beautifully sweet and they use every part of the plant in the process to grow or eat. We were able to sample the liqueur which is made from the skin. We bought the base of the plant which you grow the new pineapple form but by the time we had managed to but soil to plant it it had rotted. This was a shame as it would have been a nice project to do with the children. It does however take 20 months to grow a pineapple so it would have been a rather long project.

It starts life as a corm.

Planted in a greenhouse and covered with sawdust.

They start to grow

They use smoke

Every part of the pineaple is used to grow more. Only 1 pineapple comes from a plant and can take 20 months to grow. We sampled some pineapple liquer, which was made from the skins.

The Diving boards.

We enjoyed a night of bowling - have not managed to find any photo's of us though, but this is a photo of other ARC Europe friends.

It was then time to move on with ARC Europe to Santa Maria.

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